
How Long Does It Take to Get Good at Golf? Unlocking Strategies to Accelerate Your Learning


Golf is a game that demands patience, practice, and perseverance. As a beginner, you might wonder, “How long does it take to get good at golf?”

While there is no definitive timeline, this comprehensive guide will explore strategies to help you accelerate your learning and progress faster than the average person.

By implementing effective techniques and maintaining a growth mindset, you can expedite your journey towards golfing proficiency. Get ready to unlock the secrets to getting better at golf in a shorter time frame.


Setting Realistic Expectations (approx. 400 words):

Before diving into the strategies that can accelerate your learning in golf, it’s crucial to set realistic expectations. While the desire to become proficient quickly is understandable, it’s essential to understand that golf is a complex and nuanced game that requires time and consistent effort to master. By setting realistic goals and maintaining a patient mindset, you can avoid unnecessary frustration and enjoy the process of improving your skills.

Firstly, acknowledge that improvement in golf is a gradual process. It’s rare for someone to pick up a club and immediately excel at the game. Understand that every golfer progresses at their own pace, and comparing yourself to others can be counterproductive. Embrace the idea that your journey in golf is unique and that each step forward, no matter how small, is a sign of progress.

Setting achievable goals is key to staying motivated and tracking your improvement. Break down your long-term aspirations into smaller, manageable objectives. For example, instead of aiming to become a scratch golfer overnight, focus on improving your accuracy with approach shots or reducing the number of three-putts in a round. Celebrate these milestones along the way, as they demonstrate your growth and keep you motivated to continue.

Consistency is vital in golf. Regular practice and play are necessary to develop muscle memory, refine your technique, and gain a deeper understanding of the game. Recognize that progress may not always be linear, and there may be periods where improvement feels stagnant. However, by consistently dedicating time to practice and play, even during challenging times, you lay the foundation for long-term success.

It’s also important to remember that golf is a game of lifelong learning. Even professional golfers continuously work on their skills and seek ways to improve. Embrace the journey of constant growth and enjoy the process of refining your game. Be open to trying new techniques, experimenting with different strategies, and adapting to changing circumstances on the course. By maintaining a growth mindset and viewing challenges as opportunities for learning, you’ll continue to progress and evolve as a golfer.

Lastly, remember to enjoy the game. Golf is not just about the destination; it’s about the experience. Appreciate the beauty of the courses, the camaraderie with fellow golfers, and the joy of hitting a well-executed shot. The more you savor the process and find fulfillment in the small victories, the more motivated you’ll be to put in the necessary effort to improve.

Quality Practice over Quantity (approx. 500 words):

When it comes to improving at golf, the old adage “practice makes perfect” holds true. However, it’s not just about the number of hours you spend on the course or at the driving range; it’s about the quality of practice. By structuring your practice sessions effectively and practicing with purpose, you can maximize your learning and progress at a faster rate.

To make the most of your practice time, it’s essential to focus on specific areas of improvement. Break down the game of golf into different aspects, such as the swing, short game, and putting. Allocate dedicated practice time to each area to work on specific skills and techniques. By targeting specific areas, you can hone in on your weaknesses and make significant improvements.

When practicing your swing, don’t simply mindlessly hit ball after ball. Instead, incorporate drills that target specific aspects of your swing mechanics. For example, practice your tempo and rhythm by swinging at varying speeds or work on your weight transfer by focusing on your footwork. By integrating purposeful drills into your practice routine, you can develop muscle memory and refine your technique more efficiently.

Simulating on-course scenarios during practice can also enhance your learning. Create imaginary situations on the driving range or practice green that replicate real game scenarios. For example, imagine you’re hitting approach shots to a tight pin placement or practice lag putting to simulate long-distance putts. By practicing under different conditions, you’ll develop the ability to adapt and make better decisions on the course.

Utilize feedback tools to analyze your performance during practice. Video recording your swing and reviewing it afterward can provide valuable insights into areas for improvement. Pay attention to your alignment, posture, and swing path, and compare them to instructional resources or seek guidance from a golf professional. Additionally, using launch monitors or shot-tracking devices can provide data on your ball flight, distance, and accuracy, helping you identify areas that need attention.

While individual practice is essential, incorporating playing opportunities into your routine is equally important. Playing rounds with a purpose, such as focusing on specific aspects of your game or simulating tournament conditions, can enhance your skills and mental fortitude. By putting yourself in challenging situations on the course, you’ll learn to manage pressure and make better decisions, ultimately accelerating your learning.

Remember to practice with intention and remain fully present during your practice sessions. Avoid distractions and engage in deliberate practice, focusing on specific objectives and paying attention to every shot. This level of concentration will ensure that each repetition counts and that you’re actively ingraining the correct techniques into your muscle memory.

Seek Professional Guidance (approx. 500 words):

While practicing on your own can be beneficial, enlisting the help of a golf instructor can take your game to the next level and significantly accelerate your learning process. A qualified instructor brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, providing personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs and goals.

One of the primary advantages of working with a golf instructor is their ability to assess your current skill level objectively. They have a trained eye that can identify areas for improvement that you may not even be aware of. By conducting a comprehensive evaluation of your swing mechanics, posture, grip, and alignment, they can pinpoint the key areas that require attention.

Once the instructor has identified your strengths and weaknesses, they will develop a personalized plan to address those areas effectively. This plan may involve specific drills, exercises, and practice routines designed to target your individual needs. By focusing on these specific aspects, you can make targeted improvements that lead to faster progress.

A golf instructor is a valuable resource when it comes to refining your swing mechanics. They possess an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles of a proper golf swing and can help you make necessary adjustments. Whether it’s correcting your grip, optimizing your posture, or improving your swing plane, an instructor can provide the guidance and feedback needed to develop a more consistent and efficient swing.

In addition to swing mechanics, a golf instructor can also offer valuable insights into course management. They can teach you how to strategically navigate the course, select the right club for each shot, and make smart decisions that optimize your scoring potential. By understanding the nuances of course management, you can avoid unnecessary risks and play more strategically, ultimately leading to better scores.

Furthermore, a golf instructor can provide guidance on the mental aspects of the game. Golf is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one, and a skilled instructor can help you develop a strong mental game. They can teach you techniques to stay focused, manage stress, and maintain composure during competitive rounds. By developing mental resilience, you’ll be better equipped to handle the ups and downs of the game and perform at your best when it matters most.

Regular lessons and feedback from a professional are crucial for your continued improvement. They can monitor your progress, track your development, and make necessary adjustments along the way. Through their expert guidance, you’ll avoid common pitfalls and bad habits that can hinder your progress. They’ll also provide ongoing support and encouragement, ensuring that you stay motivated and committed to your golf journey.

It’s important to note that finding the right instructor is key. Look for a qualified professional who has a proven track record of helping golfers improve. Seek recommendations from fellow golfers, read reviews, and schedule introductory lessons to assess their teaching style and compatibility with your learning preferences.

Mental Game Mastery (approx. 600 words):

While honing your physical skills is crucial in golf, mastering the mental aspect of the game is equally important for accelerating your learning curve and achieving success on the course. Developing mental resilience, focus, and a positive mindset can give you a competitive edge and significantly improve your performance. Let’s explore strategies and techniques to enhance your mental game and optimize your learning experience.

One key element of the mental game is managing pressure. Golf can be a mentally demanding sport, especially when faced with critical shots or competitive situations. Learning to handle pressure effectively can help you stay composed and perform at your best when it matters most. Practice deep breathing exercises to calm your nerves and regulate your heart rate. Visualize successful outcomes and recall positive past experiences to build confidence. By embracing pressure as a challenge rather than a threat, you can thrive under demanding circumstances and make more confident decisions on the course.

Handling setbacks is another critical aspect of the mental game. Golf is a game of ups and downs, and it’s essential to maintain a resilient mindset in the face of adversity. Rather than dwelling on mistakes or missed opportunities, adopt a growth mindset that embraces failures as learning opportunities. Reframe setbacks as stepping stones to improvement and focus on the lessons learned from each experience. By maintaining a positive outlook and learning from setbacks, you’ll bounce back quicker and continue progressing on your golfing journey.

Staying present and focused during rounds is vital for optimal performance. A wandering mind can lead to distractions and poor decision-making. Incorporate visualization techniques into your practice routine to enhance concentration and mental imagery. Visualize successful shots in vivid detail, imagining the flight of the ball and the feeling of executing a perfect swing. This mental rehearsal primes your mind and body for success, allowing you to replicate those successful shots on the course. Additionally, practice mindfulness exercises to cultivate present-moment awareness. Pay attention to your surroundings, senses, and the sensations in your body as you prepare for each shot. By staying fully engaged in the present moment, you can minimize mental clutter and perform with greater clarity and focus.

Establishing pre-shot routines can also contribute to your mental game mastery. Consistent and deliberate pre-shot routines create a sense of familiarity and rhythm, helping you enter a focused and composed state before executing a shot. Develop a routine that includes visualization, a few practice swings, and a specific trigger to initiate your swing. This routine acts as a mental anchor, providing a sense of control and reducing anxiety. By implementing a pre-shot routine, you’ll be able to execute shots with greater confidence and consistency.

Lastly, maintaining a positive mindset is essential for long-term progress. Golf can be a challenging game, and it’s easy to become frustrated or discouraged when things don’t go as planned. However, cultivating a positive attitude can lead to better decision-making and a more enjoyable experience on the course. Practice self-talk techniques to replace negative thoughts with positive and constructive ones. Instead of dwelling on mistakes, focus on the opportunities for improvement. Celebrate small victories and acknowledge your progress, no matter how incremental. By fostering a positive mindset, you’ll approach each round with optimism and resilience, enabling you to learn and grow at an accelerated pace.

Utilize Technology and Training Aids (approx. 600 words):

In today’s modern era, golfers have access to a wide range of technological advancements and training aids that can greatly enhance their learning process and expedite their progress on the course. By leveraging these tools effectively, you can gain valuable insights into your game, identify areas for improvement, and refine your skills with precision. Let’s explore some of the cutting-edge technologies and training aids available to golfers today.

Video analysis is a powerful tool that allows you to scrutinize your swing mechanics in detail. Using a smartphone or a dedicated camera, record your swings from various angles and review them afterward. Pay close attention to your alignment, posture, grip, and swing plane. Compare your swings to instructional resources or seek guidance from a golf professional. Video analysis provides visual feedback that can help you identify flaws and make the necessary adjustments for improvement. By incorporating video analysis into your practice routine, you can refine your technique and develop a more efficient and consistent swing.

Launch monitors are another invaluable technological tool that can provide a wealth of information about your shots. These devices use advanced sensors and algorithms to measure various parameters of your ball flight, including distance, ball speed, launch angle, and spin rate. By analyzing this data, you can gain insights into your swing efficiency and ball-striking quality. Launch monitors also enable you to compare different clubs, optimize your equipment choices, and fine-tune your distances. This objective feedback can help you make more informed decisions and improve your overall performance on the course.

Golf swing apps have become increasingly popular and can serve as virtual coaches in your pocket. These apps offer a range of features, from video analysis to personalized training programs. They provide step-by-step instructions, drills, and practice routines designed to improve specific aspects of your game. Some apps even offer gamification features that make practice more engaging and enjoyable. By leveraging these apps, you can receive instant feedback, track your progress, and access a wealth of instructional content right at your fingertips.

Training aids are physical tools designed to target specific areas of your game and assist in skill development. Alignment sticks, for example, help you ensure proper alignment and target accuracy during practice. They provide visual cues that promote consistent setup and help develop a square clubface at impact. Putting mats simulate different green conditions and enable you to practice your putting stroke and distance control in the comfort of your own home. Swing trainers, such as weighted clubs or tempo trainers, can help you develop proper sequencing, tempo, and timing in your swing. These training aids provide instant feedback and reinforcement, allowing you to refine your technique more efficiently.

Incorporating technology and training aids into your practice routine can offer numerous benefits. They provide objective feedback, enhance your understanding of your swing mechanics, and help you target specific areas for improvement. However, it’s important to note that while these tools can be beneficial, they should be used in conjunction with proper guidance and instruction. Consulting with a golf professional or coach can ensure that you’re using these tools effectively and integrating them into a comprehensive training plan.

Embrace a Growth Mindset (approx. 400 words):

When it comes to improving at golf, adopting a growth mindset is paramount. A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and skills can be developed through dedication, effort, and a willingness to learn. By embracing this mindset, you can unlock your full potential and accelerate your progress on the golf course. Let’s delve deeper into the key components of a growth mindset and how they can positively impact your journey.

First and foremost, embrace challenges. Rather than shying away from difficult shots or avoiding unfamiliar courses, view them as opportunities for growth. Challenges push you out of your comfort zone and enable you to develop new skills and strategies. Embrace the chance to expand your abilities and tackle obstacles head-on. By facing challenges with determination and a positive attitude, you’ll build resilience and gain valuable experience that will propel you forward.

In golf, setbacks are inevitable. It’s crucial to view setbacks as opportunities to learn and improve, rather than as failures. Each missed shot or round that falls short of expectations is a chance to analyze what went wrong, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your approach. Embrace the lessons that setbacks offer and use them as stepping stones for progress. By reframing setbacks as learning experiences, you’ll cultivate a mindset that is focused on growth and continuous improvement.

Maintaining a positive outlook throughout your golfing journey is vital. Recognize that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. Instead of becoming discouraged or frustrated, approach mistakes with curiosity and a desire to understand and correct them. Understand that every golfer, regardless of their skill level, makes mistakes. By maintaining a positive mindset, you’ll stay motivated, open to learning, and resilient in the face of challenges.

One of the most powerful aspects of a growth mindset is the belief in the ability to develop new techniques and skills. Rather than assuming that your current abilities are fixed, embrace the idea that with practice, dedication, and guidance, you can continually improve. Seek out opportunities for learning, whether it’s through lessons, instructional materials, or discussions with experienced golfers. Be open to trying new techniques and approaches, and don’t be afraid to adapt your game based on what works best for you. By maintaining a growth mindset, you’ll remain flexible, receptive to feedback, and willing to evolve your game.


Setting realistic expectations is crucial to maintaining motivation and avoiding unnecessary frustration. Understand that golf is a complex game that requires time and effort to excel in. By acknowledging this, you can focus on steady progress rather than immediate perfection, allowing yourself to enjoy the learning process.

Prioritizing quality practice over quantity is essential. By structuring your practice sessions effectively and focusing on specific areas of improvement, you can maximize your learning potential. Incorporate drills, simulate on-course scenarios, and utilize feedback tools to analyze and refine your performance. Remember, deliberate practice with clear objectives leads to significant improvement.

Seeking professional guidance from a qualified golf instructor can provide valuable insights and personalized instruction tailored to your unique needs. They can help you refine your technique, provide guidance on course management, and offer mental strategies to enhance your performance. Regular lessons and feedback from a professional can help you avoid common pitfalls and fast-track your progress.

Utilizing technology and training aids can further accelerate your learning. Video analysis, launch monitors, golf swing apps, and training aids offer objective feedback, data-driven insights, and targeted skill development. Leverage these tools to gain a deeper understanding of your swing mechanics, refine your technique, and optimize your practice sessions.

Lastly, embrace a growth mindset. Adopt the belief that abilities can be developed through effort, practice, and a willingness to learn. Embrace challenges, view setbacks as opportunities for growth, and maintain a positive outlook. By approaching golf with a growth mindset, you’ll persevere through challenges, adapt to new techniques, and progress at an accelerated pace.

The10 Best Golf Balls For Beginners Plus 10 Bonus Golf Tips

When first starting out anything it can be so overwhelming to know what to get or who to even ask.

Golf can be quite intimidating, I know it was for me when I first started not long ago and I really wish there was a guide on what would be the best golf equipment for beginners.

So today I figured I would do the research for all those new golfers out there looking for some quick answers on the best Golf equipment for your first time on the course !

To my surprise even as an intermediate, there is so much that goes into the construction of a golf ball, at the end of the day a lot has to do with your preferences as a player and your style of play!

Some balls focus on spin, while there are others better for a distant shot, all the details we will cover for each golf ball.

In this article we will specifically take a swing at the best golf balls for beginners. That way you show up prepared to learn to the best of your abilities and not to stressed out about the quality of your setup!

Here is the quick list of our best golf balls for the brand new guys in the club, more details below.


1. Titleist Pro V1

2. Callaway Chrome Soft

3. TaylorMade TP5

4. Bridgestone Tour B RX

5. Srixon Z-Star

6. Titleist AVX

7. Callaway Supersoft

8. Wilson Staff Fifty Elite

9. Volvik Vivid

10. TaylorMade Distance Plus


Before we continue I would like to offer our free guide to golf in the form of an easy to read E-book! Check it out here


The Ultimate Golf Ball Showdown: Swing into Action with These Awesome Spheres!

Introduction Fore! Golfers, listen up! We all know that nailing the perfect swing is exhilarating, but did you know that the right golf ball can take your game to the next level?

With a plethora of options out there, finding the ideal orb can be as daunting as a never-ending sand trap. But fear not, for we’ve got your back.

In this epic article, we’re diving deep into the world of golf balls to bring you the ten best contenders that’ll make your shots soar. And that’s not all! We’re throwing in some fantastic golfing tips for beginners too, so you can conquer the fairway like a pro in no time!


Titleist Pro V1 

Prepare to tee off with a classic! The Titleist Pro V1 has been a golfer’s best friend for ages. With its impressive distance, accuracy, and control, it’s a real hole-in-one. The Pro V1’s velvety touch off the clubface and impeccable greenside control make it the stuff of legends. Rain or shine, this ball never disappoints, making it the go-to choice for many golf enthusiasts.


Callaway Chrome Soft

Get ready to unleash your inner golfing superhero with the Callaway Chrome Soft. This ball is like a secret weapon, packing a punch with its killer combo of distance, spin control, and feel. Thanks to its Graphene-infused Dual SoftFast core, your drives will reach new lengths. Plus, its ultra-soft cover ensures you can finesse those tricky shots around the greens. It’s the perfect sidekick for golfers seeking a balance between power and finesse.


TaylorMade TP5

Hey, distance seekers, meet your new best friend—the TaylorMade TP5! Engineered for maximum distance without sacrificing control and feel, this ball is a game-changer. Its five-layer construction means you’ll be smashing long drives with reduced spin. And when it comes to approach shots, the TP5’s soft urethane cover has your back, delivering stellar spin and control. It’s no wonder this ball is a favorite among the pros!


Bridgestone Tour B RX

Looking to hit the fairway with precision and power? The Bridgestone Tour B RX is your trusty companion. Crafted for exceptional distance and accuracy, its Gradational Compression core generates low spin and sky-high ball speed. The Tour B RX’s velvety urethane cover gives you the finesse and soft feel you crave, making it a dream for golfers with moderate swing speeds.


Srixon Z-Star

The Srixon Z-Star is a triple-threat in the golf ball universe, offering the perfect balance of distance, spin, and feel. Its three-piece construction and dual-core design give your shots higher launch angles and increased distances. And don’t even get us started on its superb greenside spin and control. If you want a ball that responds to your touch and nails those short game shots, the Z-Star is your ace in the hole.


Titleist AVX

Prepare for liftoff with the Titleist AVX! If you crave exceptional distance and a low-flying ball, this baby has your name on it. Its groundbreaking core technology ensures mind-blowing speed without compromising on a soft feel. And when it’s time to finesse those greenside shots, the AVX’s urethane cover comes to the rescue, delivering exceptional control. Swing away with confidence, my friends!


Callaway Supersoft

Calling all beginners! The Callaway Supersoft is your ticket to golfing greatness. With its ultra-low compression core, this ball grants you maximum ball speed and reduced spin for those glorious long and straight shots. And let’s not forget its low drag aerodynamics, ensuring optimal lift and stability for pinpoint accuracy. Say hello to your new secret weapon, dear rookie golfers!


Wilson Staff Fifty Elite

Looking for a ball that won’t break the bank but still delivers stellar performance? Look no further than the Wilson Staff Fifty Elite. Despite its budget-friendly nature, this two-piece wonder packs a punch. With its rubber core and ionomer cover, you’ll enjoy excellent distance and a soft feel that won’t leave your wallet feeling teed off. And hey, it’s no slouch when it comes to greenside spin either. A win-win, if you ask us!


Volvik Vivid

Why settle for a bland and boring ball when you can have a golfing fashion statement? Enter the Volvik Vivid, bringing a splash of vibrant colors and a unique matte finish to the fairway. But don’t be fooled by its stunning looks alone. This three-piece wonder offers impressive distance and unmatched visibility. Plus, it gives you excellent control and a soft feel, making it a favorite among golfing rookies.


TaylorMade Distance Plus

Long-distance lovers, rejoice! The TaylorMade Distance Plus was born to fly. Engineered specifically for maximum distance, this ball’s high-speed core and aerodynamic design are your recipe for big drives. And fear not—it doesn’t sacrifice durability for distance. The Distance Plus’ sturdy ionomer cover ensures it’ll last, making it a pocket-friendly option for those who crave yardage.


10 bonus golf tips


Get Proper Instruction: Unlock the Secrets of Swing Mastery!

Imagine having the skills of a golfing wizard. It’s time to channel your inner magic and seek lessons from a golf pro. They’ll teach you the mystical ways of grip, stance, and swing mechanics. With their guidance, you’ll become a force to be reckoned with on the fairway. So grab your wand—I mean, club—and let the enchanting journey to golfing greatness begin!

Practice Consistently: Swing Like a Boss

If you want to conquer the golfing kingdom, consistency is your royal decree. Regular practice is the key to unleashing your true potential. Embrace the thrill of swinging for the fences, honing your long shots to perfection. But don’t forget the magical realm of the short game! Devote time to chipping, pitching, and putting, and watch as your skills soar like a majestic eagle. Remember, practice makes birdies!

Understand Club Selection: Choose Wisely, Young Grasshopper

Each shot is a puzzle waiting to be solved, and the right club holds the key. Become a club whisperer and unlock the secrets of distance, accuracy, and finesse. Analyze the lie, survey the course obstacles, and select your weapon wisely. Like a master archer, let the arrow—ahem, ball—fly true and hit its mark. With your expert club selection, victory will be within reach!

Master Your Short Game: Unleash Your Inner Magician

Close your eyes and envision the artistry of the short game. Chipping, pitching, and putting—each stroke is a delicate dance. Practice these mystical skills and witness the strokes disappear like magic. Master the touch, finesse the roll, and make your golf buddies gasp in awe. With your short game sorcery, you’ll save strokes, amaze your companions, and become the envy of the course.

Learn Course Management: Plot Your Path to Glory

Welcome to the realm of strategic wizardry—course management! It’s time to study the layout, understand its mysteries, and unleash your golfing cunning. Avoid treacherous hazards, seize opportunities, and play to your strengths. Like a brilliant tactician, strategize each shot and make the course your loyal ally. With your impeccable course management, you’ll conquer challenges and reign supreme on the greens.

Stay Mentally Focused: Mind over Pars!

Golf is a battlefield of the mind, where mental fortitude separates the champions from the chumps. Embrace the power of positive thinking, banish doubt, and focus on one shot at a time. Craft a pre-shot routine that rivals a magician’s incantation, summoning confidence and consistency. With a calm and collected mind, you’ll tame the golfing dragons and emerge victorious. Remember, the force is strong with you!

Play with More Experienced Golfers: Seek Golfing Sage Advice

In the golfing realm, wisdom is as valuable as gold. Seek the company of seasoned golfers, those who have traversed the fairways for years. They’ll impart their sagely knowledge, reveal hidden gems, and guide you on your noble quest for improvement. So, join forces with the golfing sages, learn from their tales of triumph and defeat, and let their wisdom be your guiding star. Together, you’ll conquer the golfing universe!

Invest in Quality Equipment: Gear Up for Glory

As you embark on your golfing adventure, equip yourself with the tools of champions. While

a basic set will suffice in the beginning, don’t shy away from upgrading as your skills evolve. Seek out clubs that match your playing style and unleash the full potential of your swing. Remember, you’re a golfing hero in the making—outfit yourself accordingly and prepare to conquer the course!

Stay Physically Fit: Flex Those Golfing Muscles

Golf is a game that demands strength, flexibility, and stamina. Engage in exercises that will strengthen your golfing muscles and enhance your endurance on the course. Loosen those joints, build up your core, and unleash the power within. Become a golfing athlete, ready to conquer fairways with every swing. Let your physical fitness become the secret weapon that propels your game to new heights!

Enjoy the Game: Embrace the Golfing Adventure

Amidst the challenges and triumphs, never forget the essence of golf—joy! Revel in the beauty of the course, bask in the camaraderie of fellow golfers, and relish the thrill of the game. Celebrate the victories, laugh off the occasional wayward shot, and immerse yourself in the magic of the golfing journey. Remember, in this enchanting world, the real treasure lies in the love of the game itself. So, tee up, embrace the adventure, and let the good times roll!


As you embark on your golfing odyssey, remember that becoming a true decent player takes time, practice, and constancy. You’ll conquer fairways and achieve greatness. So, grab your clubs, embrace the thrill of the game, and embark on a golfing adventure that will leave you enjoying the club with all your friends or for all we know, your rivals. The fairways await, young grasshopper—may your golf balls soar and your dreams come true!




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Thanks for reading ! Just to be clear to support this blog there are affiliate links in relation to Amazon located throughout. Feel free to not use them at all if you wish or what ever you want. Our affiliations keeps our content creators happy, and this article free! As always read on and enjoy the green!

Best Golf Books For Beginners

Have You Considered Using Books to Improve Your Golf Game?

We’ve all been the new guy on the course at some point, I know for me personally I would much rather spend more time driving the golf cart around and enjoy my soda at the club. I figured at some point it was time to apply some strategy to develop my game though! So today we look at the list of books that are highly recommended by the golfing community of the internet, the books best for absolute beginners in golf.

Also I have added some FREE goodies along the way in this article, all you would have to do is join our e-mail list for instant access.

Golfing is the best way to hone golf skills. However, other methods can also prove helpful. For instance, consider honing golf skills by reading golf books for beginners. Sometimes, they help by telling you things you would otherwise have to figure out on your own.

Other times, they help by keeping you interested in the game. Regardless, there are numerous golf books for beginners, some of which stand out more than others.


What Are Some of the Best Golf Books For Beginners?

Most of these books you can find for purchase all over the internet. I like thrift books cause you can get used books pretty cheap, sure they may have an older cover here and there but its the same content !

If you are not a reader and perhaps learn more from listening, I really like audible and if you are a prime member you get a free book, and the first 30 days are free as well.

Other than that if you want fresh brand new print, amazon is ole reliable, of course brand new books are gonna be a little more expensive to make them yours. When it comes to books I like to make my money last longer and normally go the used route.

Hey you may even get lucky and stumble upon one of these books at Goodwill !


Lets get movin on to the list, to the green we go!


Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons: The Modern Fundamentals of Golf

This is considered one of the classics of the genre. For those unfamiliar, Ben Hogan was an American golfer who won nine major championships, that’s nine more than I have won.

That is enough to make him one of the most successful golfers ever. Moreover, he is one of just five golfers to have won all four major championships, which is particularly remarkable because he competed in the Open Championship just once.

As such, it is no wonder that Ben Hogan’s five lessons have enjoyed such longevity. They came out as a series of articles in Sports Illustrated in the mid-20th century before being released in book form.

Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons has hung around the top of golf book lists ever since.



My friend’s book 

As I mentioned we would have some free stuff for you guys, I put together a e-book that is free and great for beginners at golf.  So if you don’t want to spend money here ya go! Its FREE for my readers that have signed up for the news letter !

Big thanks to my friend Ron who allows me to give this book away to you guys he spent a lot of time piecing it together, he is far better in the course than I am !

Free Golf e-book for my readers!


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Golf For Dummies

The For Dummies series is a bit hit or miss. That can’t be helped, considering that there are hundreds of books.

Fortunately, Golf For Dummies is one of the series’ better offerings, thus making it a solid place to start for interested individuals.

Besides this, people should also look into Golf Rules & Etiquette For Dummies, which is even more helpful for people who want to make their experience of the game smooth and enjoyable rather than purely focused on improving their performance.


My personal favorite

Through all these titles, this was the book that gave me a near perfect swing in fifteen minutes.

image of 15 minutes to the perfect golf swing


If you want the quickest results for an absolute beginner in golf, I recommend Jeff Richmond’s book “15 Minutes to the perfect golf swing” .

Jeff has a lot of great books for newbies, I speak from experience as I was new once too! I consider his books to be cheat codes that will put you way ahead your golf friends !



Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect

Some people are capable of maintaining a strong sense of self-confidence under any circumstance. The rest of us are more prone to self-doubt, meaning it is easy for us to fall into a self-defeating mindset whenever we make a mistake.

Golf is no exception to this, which is why there is a wide range of golf books meant to coach readers through the mental game.

One excellent example is Golf Is Not a Game of Perfect, which works to get people in a more productive attitude starting from its very title. Better still, the author made a deliberate effort to relay his knowledge using stories, thus making it that much more relatable to readers.


Golf Magazine’s Big Book of Basics

Golf Magazine is either the most-read or one of the most-read publications about the game on the planet.

As a result, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that it has great insight into its fundamentals, particularly since it is meant for golfers of every skill level rather than just professionals.

Those who want to tap into that insight should check out Golf Magazine’s Big Book of Basics, which contains advice from some of the best golfing instructors in the United States on how interested individuals can hone their golfing skills and other fundamentals.


I NEVER KNEW what I was doing wrong until I learned this trick.

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Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book: Lessons and Teachings From a Lifetime in Golf

Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons isn’t the only tried-and-true classic. Another example would be Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book, which has remained popular despite its considerable age.

Its author didn’t have quite as illustrious a career as a golfer as Hogan. However, he went on to become one of the greatest golf instructors ever, as shown by how he taught not one, not two, but five members of the World Golf Hall of Fame.

In other words, Penick knew what he was writing about, meaning his little red book is a valuable resource for golfers looking to improve their game.

In particular, he had a reputation for excellence when it came to the mental game, which should never be neglected for being unimportant next to the sport’s more physical aspects.

Further Considerations

The key to remember here is like anything in life really, apply everything you learn! You can’t expect that reading alone will make you a better golf player.  With what you learn make sure you practice along the way. Doing so I promise you will notice improvements.

Don’t get me wrong, it will be frustrating at times and you may leave the course feeling down. In those times just keep in mind, every mistake presents the opportunity to learn and become a better player, you must see everything this way! After all being brand new at something is always gonna be hard.

Just stick with it! Practice makes perfect as they say!

There are numerous other golf books for beginners out there of course . If you are interested, you can find plenty of suggestions by checking out lists of best-sellers and similar resources. As such, you should have no problem using these books to assist in your quest for improvement so long as you are willing to put in the time and effort.


What equipment is needed for figure skating Plus top 10 Ice Skating Accessories

Ice skating is a popular winter sport that requires skill, practice, and the right gear.

While having a good pair of ice skates is essential, many other accessories can enhance your performance and make your ice skating experience more enjoyable. From protective gear to equipment that improves your grip, numerous ice skate accessories are available to help you perform better on the ice.

This article will explore the top 10 ice skate accessories that every ice skater should consider investing in. Whether a beginner or an experienced skater, these accessories can improve your performance, protect you from injuries, and make your time on the ice more comfortable.

We will discuss the benefits of each accessory and how it can help you become a better ice skater. So, whether skating for fun or competition, discover the top 10 ice skate accessories you won’t want to skate without.

1. Leotards/dresses

Anyone who has tried ice skating knows warm clothing is important for keeping you warm. But an ice skating leotard or dress that fits well will keep you warm and prevent injury.

The right fit is essential to keep you comfortable and allow you to move freely on the ice. The wrong fit can be a distraction or even cause skin abrasions, which could lead to injury. For comfort and freedom of movement, look for long, full-length dresses made of thin, soft fabric.

In addition, dull colors like black are preferable to bright ones, as they prevent ice crystals from causing irritation and injury.

2. Ice skates

Many people buy their first pair of ice skates when they are young. The beauty of having new skates is that they are not yet broken in and will provide you with a smooth ride at first without pain or pinch points that can be uncomfortable or even painful once you become accustomed to the fit.

When selecting your first pair of ice skates, remember that some skaters prefer a more narrow skate for increased control. On the other hand, some may prefer a wide skate for stability. Another important factor to consider is whether you want a skate with an adjustable toe stop to grow with you as you get taller.

3. Ice skate guards

Many people choose to wear ice skate guards on their boots or skates when they are skating. These guards are made of flexible plastic or silicone rubber and help prevent your feet from being cut or scraped when you fall.

They also provide you with a better grip on the ice, which can improve your performance. Most guards are available in different colors and styles to match your boots.

4. Ice skate holders/baskets

Ice skate holders or baskets keep you from carrying your skates in and out of the rink. They are a convenient way to store your ice skates in one location, so you can slip them on one at a time and carry the others in your backpack. Most holders and baskets are made of durable plastic and are available to suit any type of ice skating equipment.

Some holders have hooks that allow you to hang them on a hook inside the rink, while others can be attached to the back of your pants with velcro or straps. Before purchasing a basket, measure the opening size on your ice skate and ensure it will fit into your holder.

5. Ice skates sharpening kit

When you skate, there is a chance that your skates will get dull – especially as you continue to go out on the ice more often.

Sharpening your ice skates regularly is important to ensure they last as long as possible. Most ice skate sharpening kits are chemical-free and consist of a non-stick grinding stone and a cover that you can use to protect the blade. A sharpening kit is also a great way to prepare your skates for competition.

6. Ice skate socks

Ice skate socks provide added cushioning between your foot and the skates, which helps prevent blisters and other injuries to your feet caused by rubbing up against the inside of your skates. They are also helpful in keeping your feet warm as your feet melt into the socks as you skate. As a general rule of thumb, ice skate socks should fit snugly and leave room for your toes to wiggle but not slide around in them. If you need new socks, check the seams to ensure they are not falling apart and that they have not been affected by chemicals or the elements.

7. Ice skate laces

Laces can extend the life of your ice skates by preventing the shaft of your skates from getting too weak or breaking. They also help prevent scuffing on the exterior of your boots, which can be a sign that you are wearing out your skates. Some people use straps to keep their laces in place and prevent them from loosening up and coming untied, but many choose to keep the lacing system that came with their skates.

8.Ice skating bag

Ice skating bags store your ice skates when they are not being used. They come in different sizes and colors, and some have separate pockets where you can store your skate guards, socks, and other items you take to the rink with you. Most ice skate bags have wheels allowing easy transport between home and rink. Skate bags come in a wide range of shapes and sizes at different prices; therefore, it is important to choose a bag according to how much money you want to spend and how big you need it.

9. Absorbent cloth or Towel

When you get home from the rink, your feet may become wet or damp with sweat or moisture from the ice. They may develop blisters if you don’t dry your feet right away. To prevent blisters and other injuries caused by moisture on your feet, you should rub them off with an absorbent cloth or towel before putting on your shoes. Also, ensure that your socks are dry because they can cause blisters too.

10. Protective glasses

Protecting your eyes from glare while at the rink is essential. You can use tinted glasses or protective sunglasses to keep your eyes comfortable and focused.



Do I need to buy new skates every year?

No, you don’t need to do so. The skates can be used for multiple years if they are well-maintained and kept in good shape after each use.


Will all ice skates last the same amount of time?

Certain qualities and components of skate will last longer than others. The most expensive and sought-after ice skates in the market can potentially last for around 5 years, while cheaper brands might only last for 1 year at most.


What do I need to take care of my skates?

Proper maintenance and care will ensure your ice skates last longer and more comfortably.



Ice skating is a sport enjoyed by both men and women. It is suitable for recreation, fitness, or a competitive sport. While the equipment used to ice skate can be expensive, options are available to you that will fit your personal budget and needs as well as your skill level.

High-quality ice skating equipment is essential to your comfort, safety, and performance. There are many types of ice skating equipment available on the market. Knowing what to look for in each category of gear is important. Hopefully, this article has assisted you in making an informed decision on which type of equipment is best for your ice skating needs.